Compass Digital Media worked with Technologies for Learning Group (TLG) in developing videos and other content featuring cultural revitalization initiatives and activities that were and are still happening in the Northwest Territories (NWT) as part of the Indigenous Cultural Awareness and Safety Training (ICAT). ICAT was an online eLearning course developed for employees of the Government of the Northwest Territories as part of following up on recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The course topics included the history and legacy of Residential Schools, Treaties and Self Government, and culturally respectful practices. Key themes that ran throughout all of the modules were the exploration and understanding of diverse perspectives, the dispelling of myths, and awareness of contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples.

Compass Digital created video content, sourced and secured rights to locally produced content, edited existing videos for length and content, and conducted interviews with program facilitators and inter generational survivors of the residential school experience. Compass Digital also coordinated the audio recording of voice over narration and filmed the video introductions to the modules.

The online eLearning course is now available for all current and future employees of the GNWT and is an important tool in the pathway to reconciliation.


This project is built upon a foundation of Indigenous tradition, culture, ceremony, and sacredness with the intention of creating a legacy that contributes to the strengthening and revitalization of Indigenous languages and cultures.

In partnership with the National Screen Institute, Compass Digital Media worked to mentor youth to document the journey and life cycle of the series of the events as seen through the eyes of the Indigenous youth involved. The aim was to create a documentary that showed the work being done from start to finish, as well showcase each community’s journey to strengthening and revitalizing their culture and language.


Compass Digital Media worked with the National Screen Institute to mentor youth from communities around Manitoba to deliver screen-based media skills training to 20 Indigenous youth from First Nations communities in the province. Teams were provided with basic camera packages and received mentorship support to develop and shoot video pitches to support their project proposals for infrastructures in their home communities. Compass Digital Media edited videos for each of the community teams and created a video about the process that also showcased the community projects.